Tuesday, June 07, 2011

you're basically that one chick in the movies who sits in the bar with lipstick and a revolver

So what is it... Like 2 weeks? They, whoever "they" is, say it takes 2 weeks of committing to do something to turn it into a habit. Just something you do out of routine. 2 weeks to become addicted to something.

I fail at blogging, we all know this. But I really feel like trying this time? For some reason or another. Maybe it's because my blog can't judge me for things I do that might seem out of character or just plain not like me. But hey, that's part of growing up right? Making mistakes and finding out who you are in the process.

Got a little philosophical on ya there... My apologies.

It's been a weird frustrating yet happy week, I'm not sure why it's both but I guess that means its balancing out fairly well. Today in itself, to me, was rather productive. I got a lot of paperwork and things done. Me and the roomies looked at some houses today and we think we found a pretty nice one.

I suppose that's all for now. Check out my bear's blog

Toodles ♥

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