Saturday, February 06, 2010

Thank you for coming to Applebee's!!


Ok, so I am a huge fail at this finding new things and remembering to blog about it thing. Huge fail. Because I dont remember half the crap I found out in the past few weeks. My apologies.

I'm just gonna randomly blog on here what I feel like and when I feel like it. Sound good? You bet it does because it's MY blog and I shall come and go as I pleasse :p

I had a lovely movie and dinner date with Miss Whitney Parker last evening. When In Rome... Is a cute movie. Josh Duhamel is... um... gorgeous doesnt even cover it...

I basically have nothing planned for the day. I'm thinking about going into the kitchen and riding in on a foodie storm and just cooking a whole bunch.

On a totally seperate note, I am going to Las Vegas in April. I am very very excited. Even thought I'm not 21 yet, so I can't drink OR gamble. I think i'll just go dancing instead and take a bunch of pictures. My amazing sister is letting me use her camera for the trip. I'm way excited about that part. This camera is like her child though, so I fear I may have to sign a waver or a contract or something to get this bouncing baby dslr in my posession for 3 days.

But, I digress...

Time to run a few errands and go to the store.

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