Sunday, January 17, 2010

Life is a shit sandwich and every day you take another bite.

Rah! Ok, less of a gap than there was between the last posts. I'm getting better!

Have you ever had one of those days at work where you just wanna flip the entire desk over, and flip everyone off on your way out? Well, I had one of those weeks.

Needless to say I don't have the brute strength to flip over my desk, so I still have a job. Guess I just don't love my job as much as I thought I did.

It's frustrating. Just very very frustrating.

But, I digress.

How many little thingies do I need? 3? Not too shabby.

15. I hate boring. Nothing new really, just degree of which i dislike. Boring used to just irk me a little bit. Now I desperately cannot stand it. So, I suppose it's a new discovery. Routine things really chap my butt as well.

16. I'm not an inferior woman. Nick actually pointed this out to me and I though I would share it.
Gather 'round children, it's story time.
Nick and I went out to dinner and then to get some coffee. While we were walking to the cafe, Nick notices this girl, who I didn't even see. Allegedly, Nick said she gave me the once over and had this look on her face. I'm not sure what "this look" entails but I generally assumed it was not a kind look.
Girl have this inferior complex. And I don't. The inferior complex that when another female walks in the room they check her out, and if they think she is prettier than they are they will take it upon themselves to be a bitch towards them.
I honestly have never walked into a room and done that to someone. Ever. Maybe I just don't care? I dont know. I really don't.

17. I love learning and studying. Yeah I'm a nerd, what of it? I have this inner weird thing. This impules to constantly take in information and store it. It's like second nature. This goes back to what I started the post with. My boring job. It's lame. I don't really do anything of high importance. Nothing anyone else who works there can't do. I just get stuck with the things they don't want to do. And then they get mad when it's not done the way they would have. Let's just not even go there.
I digress. I'm like a trapper keeper. I keep things stored. Not just certain things but mostly everything.

So there they are. My 3 discoveries.

I'll try for tomorrow. Depends how the day goes. No promises. :p

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