Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just passed four semis each a different color and said quietly to myself, "Autobots, roll out." -- Nick Jackson

Yiiiikkkeesss I know.

Lack of posting.



Bad, Theresa! BAD!

But like I said... Life is getting in the way of my bouncing baby bloggy.

I've decided to amend it a little bit. Just for fun. Random things I think of during the day will be instated into this tirade. Because I have random moments more than anything.

So, I'm trying to calculate exactly how many self discoveries I owe you loyal readers.

I owe you 11.

I think this is going to turn into one of those Facebook lists that people tag you in and if you don't do it some girl with a knife is going to be over your bed? Something along those lines.

So, lets get started...

4. My sarcasm (previously mentioned) can come off as me being an abrasive bitch. I don't mean for it to come off strongly and it recently got me into a spat with someone. But, that ship has long set sail and is resting peacfully. In other words, I fixed it.

Which brings me too....



5. I am the voice of reason. Or, I have it, rather. Everyone can be picking and poking and prodding at something and I can just look at it and find a solution that makes 95% of the parties involved happy, or atleast content.

6. I am not afraid of looking stupid. Especially for the sake of a smile.

"Sir, I admit your gen'ral rule. That every poet is a fool: But you yourself may serve to show it that every fool is not a poet" -- Alexander Pope

7. I'm a born leader, but I need to learn to follow just a little bit more. Only concerning certain things. This kinda ties with the previous one. Any which way life takes me I will make the best of it and I will always be smiling.

8. One arm hugs bother me. I know, really? Yes, really.
Story time!!
Yesterday I was given a creepy one arm side-hug from someone who I don't find creepy and who doesn't find me creepy. So, wat do? Mid-hug, I proceeded to grab the other arm of my hugging-mate(?) and wave it about saying, "What is this? This is not how you hug someone!" I was then given a proper hug. :p
In conclusion... Life is too short to be a half-ass, hug everyone with both arms.

9. I am very direct. I don't tiptoe around things or sugarcoat them in the slightest. Again, back to the abrasive bitch reference, yes? No.
Dustin, a good friend and my little brother, once told me, "You can be honest without being blunt." I think I have mastered the art.

10. I have a master plan. But the master plan changes everyday. For instance, yesterday I was explaining the master plan to the in before mentioned hugging-mate(?) who is actually going to make a lot of cameos in this thing no doubt. So, for reference and your information, his name is Jordan. Anywhosies, yesterday the plan was to make my Abstract Chain. Today, the plan is to move to Malta and live on the beach and have fun for the rest of my life. Appealing? Very.

11. I'm nosy. And I try not to be. I'm nosy mostly about things that shouldn't and don't matter anymore. But, doth protesteth the letting go-eth.

12. Cooking is my release. I was watching a movie with Jordan the other night and we somehow got to talking about releases. Like, when you have a bad day or someone made you mad or a nerve got pushed. I cook. It's meditative. I think because you're so entirely concentrated on what you're cooking that you don't ponder whatever it is that rubbed you the wrong way.

13. I actually really like the color pink. If you couldn't tell by the color of the blog. I own nothing pink. So if you met me pink would not be your first thought. But, alas, I like pink. :p

14. Being direct gets me places. Before mentioned hugging-mate was number 3. See number 9.
I like scavenger hunts.

That's all I really I have for now. I hope you enjoyed it.

Again, no promises, I will try and be better at this.

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