Wednesday, December 09, 2009

It's the birds... They were late on the gunshot...

Good Lord what is this becoming? Like a twice a year thing where I randomly decide I need to write something on this sad empty little blog?

Weird... I used to blog everyday.

I recently went on an extravaganza of sorts for my birthday. I went to Dallas and got on a plane. First time ever flying and it was just alright. Nothing epic or anything. I went to visit my best friend before he got shipped off to "the sandbox". It was a grand weekend, well, 6 day weekend. :]

Anyways, I'm sitting at my desk at work, like I do everyday. And I have nothing to do. So I decided to write again.

Basically, I was looking at the port previous to this one and I realized it is horribly out of date. So, let me get you up to speed on a couple things.

Hastings = No more. Working there was kind of a pain. And I didn't get paid what it was worth. :/ So I quit. And I got my old job back. I am.... A copy girl again! Maybe not JUST a copy girl. I do a lot of other things as well... Like filing. O.o

Things aren't near as complicated as they were last time I was on here. But then again I always say things are only as complicated as you make them. Really, things can be easy peasy lemon squeazy if you allow them to be. Things won't ever really be like that, because different people want different things. I guess that's just being an adult. We get to decide what means what. A heartbreak to one person could be a release for someone else. Being a grown up, to me, means getting excited about sectional sofas *GUILTY* That's not to say it's not supposed to hurt when that happens, I've had more than my fair share or things like that happen.

Anyways, the day seems to be going by oh so very slowly. But I cannot find anything to occupy my time at the moment to make it seem like it's going by faster.

I suppose I shall conclude this little thing. :]

Thanks for reading.

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