Saturday, June 03, 2006

of course my horse, i am the king of swing

Yay! The weekend is here!!!! No more work!!!!!!

Doesn't mean I won't stop this deep thought process that has been plaguing my everyday life.

I need a vacation.

I manages to, in my half a day of work today, to think up the itty bitty fact that everyone is always waiting for something. And its true, I know it is. I do it everyday.

Everyone was really tense tonight at movies night. I mean there was that thing, but yeah that should have had anything to do with it. Austin tried to make it fun, but shit happens, of course. Shannen separated herself and Marisela was on the phone the whole time with Spaghetti Man.


A freakin big fat hug to Shelby Joy, I love you and miss you and hope you come home soon!!!!!! Tomorrow will be better. I promise.

I am so sleeping in tomorrow morning.

Sarah Theresa Elizabeth, today was possibly one of the funnest lunch dates ever. So much for hiding from mom.

I'm staying awake to talk to you, so come back.

I'm done now.

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Caroline said...
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