Monday, May 29, 2006

get the bacon on the board

One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.

I thought that was kind of cool. You know what's cooler?


Do ya?


I had to get that out.

OH EM GEE!!! MATT CALLED ME TODAY!!!! =O! It was so cool we talked for like an hour. He leaves, I think he said the 23rd of June. I dont know where he's going, neither does he. I hope he stays close though, I dont want him on the other side of the earth again.

Today was ok. Nothing special. Yesterday was alright. In the morning it wasnt't so bad but then it slowly escaladed into a bad day. But then it got fixed.

How can 1 person change how a whole day went? I mean, I don't want to look at that person as the upside of things, that's just kind of weird. But then again I can't find another way to look at it. They didnt even say anything spectacular to make it seem like they were trying to make it better all they had to do was talk to me and it went POOF! Sucked in the black hole of fairy dust!

One of the things I probably won't figure out until I am 30.

Final Thoughts!:

I am actually in the mood to have Final Thoughts.

Daylight sucks.

I start work tomorrow. OH JOY!

Nesquik rocks.

So does Judge Judy. I can see from Manuel's point of view now. Not sure about Montel though.

Sigmund Freud is still creepy, even though that cool quote was from him.

I lost a dollar today.

I have alot of final thoughts.

I still miss Shelby!

I'm done now.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

*Streaks comment board*

Guess what!!?? OMG OMG WTF BBQ!!1