Monday, March 06, 2006

American Sign Language

Sad pathetic day in the life of me. You don't have to know what the paper journal said, only because it would contradict half of what I am about to blog about.

I can't find any torrents to download. Partly because I just want single songs now and torrent files usually come in whole CD's. Just not working for me.

I had a blonde moment. This new name pops up on my screen asking "a/s/l." My immediate thought.... "Ok thats nice. Hey, isn't a/s/l only used on AOL?" DUH! It was bad.

I am not moving anywhere. I just thought I'd make it known.

Ok, we are so close it is insane. Mission Black Box: Scarily almost complete. I mean it's not like I'm in the middle of saying anything at the moment. Just what happened today made me think and almost do again until there was that knock on the door. So, now I feel like I have to say something. You know what I mean? The mood fits and everything. Throwing away the fingernail clippers could be a little extensive, but you know. It became that freakish. Something else stopped it though, not just the knock on the door. Love stopped it. I realize I am so close to saying what it is. But no. I know how to type.

Why does just talking to that one person make you feel better? Seriously, I should do a scientific experiment on this. Haha, you know who I'm talking about.

"...she keeps repeating..." I love that song. "...Saying goodbye, this time, the same old story. Seeing you cry, makes me feel like saying sorry..."

Yeah this is an emo day. I was supposed to have lunch with Sarah today. Didn't happen. Don't know why. Psh, we still have to watch 20 movies in our lunch hour, which isn't an hour. 21 now that she got "Phantom Of The Opera." =D We are weird. Don't forget the ice cream.

Ok, I am sending love to a number of people tonight. OK 2, but 2 is still a number. Haha. Ok, Firstly, to John, Twin, Anchovie, Sparky, Cowboy, Little Turd, yes this is all one person he just has many names. Love, hugs, and smiles go to you, because.... well.... just because! I love you like a fat kid loves cake you crazy Peurto Rican! And now, to dearest Sarah, blogged above, the wonderful girly girl whome I share my names with. Ok, well she's not exactly a girly girl, more of a band geek. Anyways, love, lots of hugs, and smiles, and perhaps a tasty burger from McD's on Saturday goes to Sarah. =D We also get pizza. WOOT!

I'm done now.


Anonymous said...

This is a tasty burger!

Dude. I'm moving my blog from Tripod to blogger. Gimme a screenname suggestion.

Theresa said...

I need to not make anymore lists. My list making skills we vanquished last night in an attempt to make peace with an individual I hate through another indivual I love like a sister, hehe she called me that last night too. =D anyways. Yake 2 steps down the hall and ask me next time what you think it should be called.