Friday, February 10, 2006

roosters are boy chickens and hens are girl chickens

I have figured out why I have so many different web-blogs, certain people don't know I have the other ones or can't access them or whatever, so I can blog stuff on those that I don't want them to see on the other ones! I knew my addiction to blogging would come in handy someday!

Anyways. Still sick. Is there a written rule somewhere that when you're sick you can consume and entire box of Cheez-It's? If not, there should be. I would voluteer to write it.

Anyways, today was an ish day. In english that means an ok ok day. Also known as mediocre. If you can't talk the talk, keep walking.

*Makes mental note to call Shelby tomorrow afternoon.* You see, my job as cupid is not only to hook people up, but to break people up, warn people about incoming valentine requests, etc. It is much much more complicated than you think it is ladies and gentlemen. And where would you all be if not for my Magic Love Arrows. Seriously. Hah! Hahahahaha! Good thing I have gotten myself all taken care of this time. *Pats self on back* Good job me!

No special letters today. Supposed to be getting another one soon. =) Which is kind of something to look forward to I guess.

You know what the really cool think about having a Xanga is? They have little smileys you can put in your blog posts. It's pretty neat.

I'm done now.

1 comment:

Leah said...

sowa, send one of your magic love arrows my way!